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  • Milagros Belgrano Rawson Universidad de Buenos Aires
Vol. 29 (2014): Récits de Voyages et Gender dans Les Amériques (1830-1850) Une Esthétique de l’ambigüité, Dossier, pages 169-201
Submitted: Dec 18, 2014 Published: Dec 18, 2014


In 1931, English writer Rosita Forbes travels to South America and visits,  besides  other  countries,  the  Argentinian  Republic.  The account  of  this travel, Eight republics in search of a future, gathers her impressions on political, economical and social aspects of the visited countries. In this article, I will analyze her observations on the relations between men and women in the city of Buenos Aires: according to Forbes, Buenos Aires belongs to men. Whereas they seem to dominate public spaces, women only find protection from street harassment in the private sphere, she argues. I consider that her travelogue provides an original lens for the study of sexual difference in a period poorly represented in travel literature on Argentina.

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