Viajeras españolas a Marruecos: entre la defensa del colonialismo y la atención a las mujeres del “Oriente doméstico”
Female Travellers, Journalism, Morocco, Colonialism, Women, Otherness, OrientalismAbstract
Being a woman, Spanish, and a traveller to the Arab world at the beginning of the 20th Century implied to break walls, not only geographic but mental and social : it leads to question the dominant discourse of submission of women to men. Aurora Bertrana, Carmen de Burgos y Consuelo González Ramos, being in favor of the Spanish domination of Morocco, had to confront their contradictory identity: gender inferiority vs. racial superiority; colonizing Morocco, but being “colonized” by men in their societies. Morocco thus appears as a frame, a “domestic Orient”, exotic but near, and whose women have to be “liberated” by masculine oppressor. The works of these three women are of undeniable interest in order to have a look at a time and an arab country with a different perspective.