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  • Hans Lauge Hansen Universidad de Aarhus
Vol. 25 (2010): Estudios teóricos sociocríticos y disciplinares, Aplicaciones sociocríticas y otros estudios, pages 271-284
Submitted: Oct 7, 2014 Published: Oct 7, 2010


This article analyses the construction and subsequent deconstruction of the cultural subject (Cros) of the national catholic movement in Spain during the civil war in the novel La noche del Diablo, written by Miguel Dalmau in 2009. The purpose of the analysis is to discuss the contribution of literary texts to the collective memory of the civil war in the present day Spanish or Mallorcan society. taking  its point of departure in the concept of collective memory of Maurice halbwachs,  the article discusses the concepts of “postmemory” and “prosthetic memory” of Marianne hirsch  and of alison  landsberg  respectively against the more dynamic and dialogic position of James Wertsch.

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