Del amor romántico al amor efímero: hacia el monitoring del discurso amoroso en el teatro de Paloma Pedrero


  • Karolina Kumor Universidad de Varsovia
  • Katarzyna Moszczyńska Universidad de Varsovia


Monitoring, love discourses, cultural logic, critique of ideology


The aim of this paper consists in monitoring (Malcuzynski, 1991) love discourses encoded in Paloma Pedrero’s theatre.   Thus, it combines the analysis of the literary text with elements of sociology and critique of ideology by focusing not only on love tropes, but also by highlighting connections linking love narratives to the cultural logic of the contemporary society. Whereas the myth of romantic love leads Pedrero’s characters to failure or to the world of fantasy, the “ephemeral” or “liquid” love, which does not allow for establishing a more solid and durable relationship, is a direct consequence of consumerism, criticized by the playwright in all her dramatic production.





Aplicaciones sociocríticas y otros estudios