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  • Blanca Girela Rejón Universidad de Granada
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2016), Articles, pages 115-131
Submitted: Nov 11, 2015 Accepted: Apr 8, 2016 Published: Jul 4, 2016


The aim of this research is to show and describe the pacific transformation of Candeal neighborhood (Salvador de Bahía, Brazil), which evolved from a typical Brazilian favela towards a world reference social community. This analysis is based on the Imperfect peace approach, considering its implications on that transformation, and analyzing basic principles of Pacific Empowerment. This article is part of a complete and more comprehensive research, in which, due to the ethnographic analytical methodology, and the active observation, it was possible to interpret and understand the whole pacification process occurring on this favela, which is currently enjoying an extensive pacific coexistence through the appropriate social system and management organizations. With the right and efficient strategies on conflict resolutions, it will be possible to observe that those associationism and coordination of this, support social achievements which may be translated on the whole community dignification, getting out the typical marginal image, to be considered as a renewed social community with all rights and responsibilities.


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