Education and history for reconciliation in Palestine/Israel. The case of Zochrot


  • Pietro Morocutti



History, Education, Memory, Palestine, Israel, Peace, Reconciliation, Activism, Zochrot


The evolution of the Israeli academy approach to the foundation and essence of the state of Israel has deep political and social ramifications. One of the main impacts is the introduction in the public discourse of previously unknown or unaccepted concepts.

We will try to understand and explain how a small group of people is struggling to promote a different narrative about the creation of the state of Israel into its own society, in order to shape a different social and political future for the people of Palestine/Israel.

So the main focus will be on the activity of an Israeli NGO called Zochrot, whose goal is “to introduce the Palestinian Nakba to the Israeli-Jewish public, to express the Nakba in Hebrew, to enable a place for the Nakba in the language and in the environment”.

There will be an introduction to the history ad objectives of the organization, followed by a deeper insight into the tools used to raise awareness and change the perspective from which the vast majority of the Israeli Jewish society looks at the events of 1948, which led to the creation of “their” state and the transformation of the majority of the Palestinian indigenous community into refugees.

The very different activities of Zochrot will offer us the opportunity to observe various theoretical and practical methodologies for education and intervention in the public debate. As a conclusion we will propose a reflection on the relation between academy, education and peace activism, underlining the great potential for conflict transformation  that resides in challenging the official views and narratives.


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How to Cite

Morocutti, P. (2013). Education and history for reconciliation in Palestine/Israel. The case of Zochrot. Revista De Paz Y Conflictos, 6, 152–171.

