Deconstructing Globalization from the Solidarity Economy


  • Danú Alberto Fabre Platas
  • Simón Yeste Santamaría



local economies, indigenous resistance, Patzcuaro, trueque, tiaguis


This paper shows two cases of traditional trade and non monetary exchange (The tianguis named Del Santuario, runs two days a week in the city of Pátzcuaro, and the solidarian market of Los Mojtakuntani or Purepecha regional tianguis, on a monthy basis, on recent years) between the people from the communities around Lago de Patzcuaro, in Michoacan, Mexico. The objective is to look at the coexistence of these alternatives indigenous economic practices, as strategies for survival, as a local collective action implementation for resistance, built as a social memoir, as an utopia, in a context of postmoderns global processes.
The structure of the document is simple. First, establish the basic notions for the framework. Second, explain the motivations to create this study and the perspectives considerated during the research. Then, establish if the phenomenon is isolated or not, and relates it with other references, at different levees (national level). To explain the scenario, the actors, the roles, and describing the traditional local market signs and how the trueque (exchange) operates inside the territory of Patzcuaro, on recent decades. This paper concludes with a serie of considerations and arise new question to enrich the debate and the research on this issue.


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How to Cite

Fabre Platas, D. A., & Yeste Santamaría, S. (2012). Deconstructing Globalization from the Solidarity Economy. Revista De Paz Y Conflictos, 5, 93–119.


