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  • Alicia María de Mingo Rodríguez
Vol. 3 (2010), Articles, pages 62-75
Submitted: Mar 7, 2013 Published: Jun 7, 2010


This work attempts to show the intimate tie existing between the spirit of  Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolence and the practice of nonviolence as civil disobedience. We are going not only to deal that nonviolence and this civil disobedience in their basic features, highlighting the perplexity raised by nonviolence in its asymmetry and irreciprocity (with regard to the aggressive act), but expressly we try to articulate a view in order to think the relevance of both concepts for education and philosophy for peace. It is for this reason for what it is essential to bring to the fore the importance of commitment, responsibility and sacrifice that entails nonviolence, so that it could make them come out socially in the form (crucial in a culture of peace) of exemplarity and authority, highly relevant in order that nonviolence gains a real social prestige (and not a utopian prestige).


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