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  • Octavio Salazar Benitez Universidad de Córdoba
Vol. 3 (2010), Articles, pages 23-43
Submitted: Mar 7, 2013 Published: Jun 7, 2010


In the present century we are present at a series of transformations of the public space that they affect to the backbone of the constitutionalism, that is to say, to the citizenship. The globalization, the increase of the migratory processes, the new technologies, are provoking a series of changes in the understanding of the spaces and the times of the democracy, at the time that they are eroding some of the paradigms of the constitutional State. These transformations are provoking an increase of the complexity of our society and, therefore, of the potential conflicts.  At the time that essential beginning(principles) surrenders to debate as that of equality or that of the pluralism. Departing from the connection between " political order " and " social peace ", based both in the dignity and the fundamental rights, in the work we analyze three aspects that affect in the complexity of our societies: the relation between the public spaces and the private ones, the increasing diversity of the public space and the participation like fundamental right by means of which we provide with democratic content to the above mentioned space. All this with one analysis that has is presented by the mainstreaming of the equality of genre and from the conviction of which many of the challenges that we raise only can be answered adequately from a republican conception of the democracy in which the local area is the better space  for the promotion of the civic virtues and the intercultural dialogue.


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