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Vol. 15 (2022), Articles, pages 73-94
Submitted: Mar 10, 2023 Accepted: Mar 5, 2024 Published: Jun 12, 2024


This research studies the historical process of the social movement for the linguistic officiality in the Principality of Asturias from 1974 to the present. The research, of a qualitative nature, uses the theoretical framework of both, Peace and Civil Resistance Studies as well as Sociolinguistics, with the aim of building a bridge between both disciplines. As a data collection method, mainly use the bibliographic review and the realization of 5 qualitative and semi-structured interviews. The results show a large number of resistances and peacebuilding processes that can be added within a process of nonviolent transformation of the linguistic and cultural conflict found in the Principality. These processes are characterized by various factors, among them, a generational change that has allowed the entry of new cultural processes dedicated to the fight for the dignity of the Asturian language.


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