Los Landmarks de la masonería como referencias de la paz cotidiana entre judíos y árabes
Main Article Content
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021), PhD and M. Dissertation summaries, pages 199-211
Submitted: May 6, 2021
Accepted: Dec 21, 2021
Published: Dec 28, 2021
Considering the concept of Everyday Peace, the article aims to analyse the organization and performance of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Israel, in order to verify how the so-called Landmarks, Masonic constitutive principles, have allowed cooperation and collaboration between Jews and Arabs within the Israeli Freemasonry for the past twenty years. In addition, the article seeks to discuss how everyday peace can be perceived within a classical-contemporary organization such as Freemasonry and how experiences from that context are likely to be reproduced in other circumstances.
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