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Vol. 15 (2022), Articles, pages 165-182
Submitted: Apr 16, 2021 Accepted: May 14, 2024 Published: Jun 12, 2024


In this article, a theoretical and interpretive investigation about Peace Journalism is developed, based on the study of the narrative of the Catalan reporter Bru Rovira on the conflicts unleashed in Liberia in 2004. A referential bibliography on the field of Peace Communication is revisited in order to identify in the report Liberia: the war of modern times, originally published in the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, the procedures that characterize peace-oriented journalistic coverage, according to Lynch and McGoldrick (2000). It is concluded, from this analytical study, that the news production of Rovira presents a complex and contextual approach to the Liberian reality in the post-Cold War and interested in collecting testimonies from anonymous social actors involved in the conflicts.


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