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  • Danaysi Santana González Universidad de Cienfuegos
  • Norcaby Pérez Gómez
  • Diosmery Morales García
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2021), PhD and M. Dissertation summaries, pages 234-248
Submitted: Feb 22, 2021 Accepted: May 10, 2022 Published: Jun 21, 2022


Neoliberal globalization threatens the culture of peoples and seeks to destroy the most genuine values and traditions of nations, imposing, through wars and conflicts, its codes and stereotypes that destroy our planet. That is why the formation of the culture of peace is necessary in the new generations so that they incorporate a system of values, attitudes and lifestyles that allows them to consciously assume their responsibilities as citizens and the efforts to satisfy the needs of development and protection of the environment placing the human being as the center, in his relationship with others, nature and himself. The work refers to a teaching experience at the university on the formation of the Culture of Peace, from a vitally important space: the class, since it is not always used to promote the formation of the Culture of Peace. The proposal arising from the experience of the authors assumes the methodological theoretical foundations necessary for the determination of the conceptual nuclei for the treatment of the formation of the Culture of Peace as educational content in the teaching-learning process, which allows articulating the theoretical and methodological and its practical functionality. The formation of the Culture of Peace contributes to the formation of people with the capacity for criticism and decision-making, sufficient capacity to solve conflicts on the basis of respect for human rights, gender equity and protection of the Environment.

Key words: Culture of peace, formation, environment.


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