The impacts of narco-paramilitaries on community living in Aguadas, Caldas (1999-2006)
Aguadas, Caldas, armed conflict, exile, forced displacement, narcoparamilitaryAbstract
Armed, social and political conflict has hit the department of Caldas (Colombia) for decades. This article explores some political, social and armed dynamics in a small town located in the north side, Aguadas, that suffered narcoparamilitary domain since 1999. The front Cacique Pipintá controlled the territory and caused multiple victimization, having forced displacement, exile and dispossession among the most traumatic processes. Working as a public servant of the state became very risky, and considered as military objectives of the narcoparamilitary front. This context is framed in the phenomenon of parapolítica, which showed a variety of alliances for political, economic and military power. All these events were suffered by a woman, who is the main voice of this article: her vision and interpretations of the events constitute a fundamental empirical evidence to understand what happened in Aguadas between 1999 and 2006.