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Vol. 15 (2022), Articles, pages 143-164
Submitted: Nov 24, 2020 Accepted: May 14, 2024 Published: Jun 12, 2024


One of the most ominous forms of violence currently in Mexico is disappearance. This work shows the way disappearance is particularly executed in a situated context. Initially, the theoretical approach and the concept of subjectivity, are explained. Also, a historical overview of violence in Mexico is presented in order to analyze disappearance as an extreme form of it. Based on this, the situated context and the particular way to signify forced disappearance in north Veracruz, Mexico, will be described, supported by the data recollected through the psychosocial support, consisting of ethnographic work, interviews, and emotional containing. Impacts of forced disappearance in this zone of Mexico are discussed and analyzed, as well as the importance of families with a disappeared person organized in groups in order to resist violence.


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