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  • Jaime Fernández Gianzo
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021), Articles, pages 133-158
Submitted: Nov 17, 2020 Accepted: Dec 20, 2021 Published: Jan 7, 2022


Our work is an attempt to elucidate the role of truth and how it is considered in the foundations of nonviolence expressed by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy and Mohandas K. Gandhi.
Once the difference between relative truth and ontological truth has been proposed and analyzed, this review reflects on some daily manifestations which could express this ontological truth. Accepting that we are dealing with an ineffable and elusive concept, we reflect on whether its daily expression can be found -as we propose- in the virtuous practice of love, justice, or humility, among other values.
In the first part, we will compile the reflections bequeathed by these two mentors of nonviolence; in the second part, we will offer some keys to interpret those expressions of this ontological truth. These keys will be matched with the ideas spread by the authors themselves, and will be offered as the ethical values that may be cultivated by nonviolence thinking.


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