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  • Maria José De Rezende Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Vol. 7 (2014), Articles, pages 123-153
Submitted: Feb 6, 2014 Accepted: Apr 29, 2014 Published: Jun 3, 2014


Through documentary research, this article seeks to verify how the Human Development Reports (HDRs ) strive to build an action and procedures agenda for the various countries that make up the Latin-American continent. Among the main challenges highlighted in the HDRs are those related to the distribution of public resources in favor of the segments that live in a situation of extreme poverty. Building ways to reach those living in situations of deprivation and powerlessness is suggested as the central challenge that must be considered in the agenda of developing countries. The HDRs have not only discussed some policies to fight multidimensional poverty, but also proposed many actions and procedures to the State, civil society, NGOs and voluntary groups concerning eradication of many forms of deprivation and powerlessness in force on the continent. This study aims to verify how the formulators of HDRs deal with the difficulties of devolution of income, power and educational, professional opportunities and political participation in Latin America.


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