The Collective Initiatives of FARC-EP Ex-Combatants in Reincorporation: Challenges to Contribute to Peacebuilding in Colombia



Palabras clave:

Collectivism, Ex-Combatants, Peace Agreement, Peacebuilding, Reintegration


In 2016, the Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP), and aims to reintegrate more than 13,000 ex-combatants into society, through an approach referred as collective reincorporation. This approach focuses on the development of collective actions that foster the social, economic and political reintegration of ex-combatants, and the use of their ideological and emotional legacies as a tool for social transformation. Based on a multi-sited ethnography in three areas of Colombia, this study shows that collective reincorporation contributes to new knowledge on how to implement reintegration processes, moving beyond the dominant individualistic paradigm defined in the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) standards. The results identify ex-combatants as active subjects in peacebuilding, and as agents of change who promote development and the consolidation of peace from bottom-up perspectives in the areas where they settle.


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Cómo citar

Contreras, A. C. (2023). The Collective Initiatives of FARC-EP Ex-Combatants in Reincorporation: Challenges to Contribute to Peacebuilding in Colombia. Revista De Paz Y Conflictos, 16.


