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  • María Encarnación Varela Moreno Universidad de Granada
Vol. 54 (2005), Articles, pages 127-148
Submitted: Jan 24, 2020 Published: Dec 21, 2005
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This paper tries to give some keys for reading of a very important work of the Contemporary Hebrew Literature, Life as a parable, by Pinjas Sadé, recently published in Spanish. The work´s success lies in their originality if we consider the date of their publication, an age with a strong State Culture based on collective values. Life as a parable is a song to freedom and individualism, so, it was quite controversial. Nevertheless, it maybe was the beginning of personal expression, followed by writers of the State Generation.


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Varela Moreno, M. E. (2005). Pinjas Sadé, a discordant voice in Israelo literatura. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 54, 127–148.