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  • Isidro Zatarain de Dios
Vol. 51 (2002), Articles, pages 339-354
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020
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Records the oral memory about Salvador Vila Hernández, Rector of the University of Granada and professor of Islamic Law and Institution, killed by Franco’s supporters during the 1936 civil war as transmitted by the author’s mother, a close friend of professor Vila and his wife Gerda Leimdörfer and her second husband, Manuel Pulgar. The article is completed with documentation from University of Salamanca and University of Granada, from General Archives of Administration in Alcalá and from different publications of recent years.


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Zatarain de Dios, I. (2013). Perfil humano del Rector Vila. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 51, 339–354. Retrieved from