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  • Saleh Al-Zahrani
Vol. 57 (2008), Articles, pages 399-423
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 7, 2008
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Sadness found in the Diwan de Ibn al-Jatib can be attributed to two fundamental elements: elegy and complaint for the death of his close friends and beloved ones such as his wife Iqbal, as well as for the suffering caused by his political enemies, misfortunes, and positions; all these influenced very much his output in terms of the melancholy and the imbalance to be uncovered throughout many features in his behaviour.


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Al-Zahrani, S. (2008). La queja y la elegía, dos elementos fundamentales de la melancolía en el Dīwān de Ibn al-Jaṭīb. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 57, 399–423. Retrieved from