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  • Francisco Vidal Castro
Vol. 57 (2008), Articles, pages 359-398
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 7, 2008
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Study of the captives in al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), mostly Christians, during the period when they abounded most: the caliphate of Hisham II (976-10092) and the government of his hayib al-Mansur Ibn Abi‘mir (977-1002). The paper focuses on the captives' origin and provenance, as well as on the process of sale and manumission once they had been enslaved, according to the andalusian books of watha’iq (notarials forms), and its economics effects. The survey shows the prevalence of natives from Galicia, a very large presence of women and one important frequency of manumissions due to a diversity of social and economic reasons which are analysed.


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Vidal Castro, F. (2008). Los cautivos en al-Andalus durante el Califato Omeya de Córdoba. Aspectos jurídicos, sociales y económicos. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 57, 359–398. Retrieved from