Vol. 37 No. 2 (2005)

Published: 2014-02-25

Table of contents

The Natural Park of Despeñaperros: Territorial characterization immedite perspective

  • José Domingo Sánchez Martínez
  • Eduardo Araque Jiménez
Published: Feb 25, 2005
Pages 7-39

Spatial income distribution of horticultural farms in Andalusia

  • Leonor María Pérez Naranjo
  • Carlos R. García Alonso
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 41-58

The geography of the production services: Criteria and procedures in the locational analysis

  • Ana Isabel Escalona Orcao
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 89-103

Some aspects of the municipal urbanism of Granada during the second republic (1931-1934)

  • Mª del Pilar Puertas Contreras
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 105-133

The substitution of the wheat by the barley in «ejidales» territorys of irrigation in Guanajuato, Mexico: an ephemeral alternative

  • Cristina Steffen Riedemann
  • Flavia Echánove Huacuja
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 135-151

Regional potential of the tourism in Tampico’s metropolitan zone, Mexico

  • Álvaro Sánchez Crispín
  • Enrique Propin Frejomil
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 153-182

The process of demographic aging in Granada and its metropolitan area

  • Diego Sánchez González
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 185-199

The fire of Sierra Nevada in september of 2005

  • Jóse Gómez Zotano
  • Juan Jose Moreno Sánchez
  • Francisco Rodríguez Martínez
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 205-214

The Spanish mining in the Impressions of Spain by Albert F. Calvert

  • Mª Antonia López Burgos
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 227-270

World Development Indicators 2005

  • José Gómez Zotano
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 273-275

Plan de Ordenación del Territorio de Andalucía

  • Francisco Rodríguez Martínez
Published: Feb 26, 2005
Pages 277-289