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  • Rafael Sebastiá-Alcaraz Universidad de Alicante
  • Emilia María Tonda-Monllor Universidad de Alicante Instituto Interuniversitario de Geografía Catedrática Escuela Universitaria
Vol. 59 No. 2 (2020), Articles, pages 129-148
Submitted: Jun 19, 2019 Accepted: Oct 8, 2019 Published: May 15, 2020
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The aim of this research   is to facilitate the understanding of the geographical dimension through the use of new technologies, improve teaching-learning processes and contribute to the dissemination of democratic memory. This latter objective is facilitated by the use of resources that are suggestive as Geographic Information Technologies (TIG).

The proposal is based on a lack of knowledge of the new geographical resources that make it possible to improve the teaching process.

In order to ascertain the actual status of the issue, three surveys have been conducted at different levels of education and the initial hypothesis has been confirmed following the relevant categorization and analysis.

The results obtained indicate the need to present the new resources that the Geography provides for the understanding of the historical contents. Knowledge of TIGs will enable didactic innovation in the teaching of Geography and History.


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Sebastiá-Alcaraz, R., & Tonda-Monllor, E. M. (2020). Geoinformation for democratic memory. Cuadernos Geográficos, 59(2), 129–148.