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  • Ángeles Barral Muñoz Universidad de Huelva
  • María José Prados Velasco Departamento de Geografía Humana, Universidad de Sevilla
  • Claudia Hurtado Rodríguez Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Filosofía, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Vol. 59 No. 1 (2020), Articles, pages 196-223
Submitted: Feb 18, 2019 Accepted: Oct 1, 2019 Published: Feb 27, 2020
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This article analyzes the different incidence that estimated soil erosion shows in the areas of socioeconomic influence of the national parks of Doñana and Sierra Nevada within the framework of Naturbanization processes. The naturbanization indicates the capacity of attraction of population and economic activities towards the areas of socioeconomic influence of protected spaces thanks to the recognition of their environmental and landscape values.The data processing methodology is established with a Geographic Information System to carry out the diachronic study of the estimated values of erosion provided by the Junta de Andalucía for the entire Autonomous Community. Applying this methodology to the river basins of El Partido and the river Trevélez is intended to contribute to a better understanding of the existing causal or empowering relationships between climatic factors, human activities and erosive processes. A statistical analysis of the published raster erosion estimation maps and the variables used for their calculation between 2003 and 2014 has been carried out. The relevance of plant uses and coverages as key variables to explain the distribution of mean values of erosion in both basins has been established. In the Trevélez river basin the evolution of estimated erosion rates has shown a greater parallel with the erosivity of rain, while in the stream of El Partido it has been the changes of land uses that determine this evolution to a greater extent.


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Barral Muñoz, Ángeles, Prados Velasco, M. J., & Hurtado Rodríguez, C. (2020). Evolution of estimated erosion (USLE) and naturbanisation processes in the surroundings of the National Parks of Doñana and Sierra Nevada (Spain). Cuadernos Geográficos, 59(1), 196–223.