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  • Eliseo Martínez Muñoz Universidad de Valencia, Instituto Interuniveristaria de Desarrollo Local
  • Jaime Escribano Pizarro Universidad de Valencia, Instituto Interuniveristaria de Desarrollo Local
Vol. 58 No. 2 (2019), Articles, pages 194-214
Submitted: Jun 18, 2018 Accepted: May 2, 2019 Published: Jul 10, 2019
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In the new scenario of advanced modernity, new patrimonialization dynamics can be observed that can mean an opportunity for rural spaces, but also a threat. Revealing how different agents, both global and local in the territory, are weaving good and bad practices, and what are the difficulties, contradictions and conflicts with which they find themselves is only possible through an interdisciplinary approach that unites the territorial vision, constructivist and community. The objective of this article is to identify and differentiate two patrimonialization dynamics, emphasizing how these processes are constructed, differentiating two clear axes: one based on «bottom-up» community processes and the other based on «top-down» methodologies. The in-depth case study of the Camí dels Pelegrins Natural Monument of Les Useres (province of Castellón) through qualitative research methodologies allows us to unveil this new crossroads that represents the revaluation of the territorial and endogenous heritage, and to problematize the risks and impacts that suppose the current patrimonial uses in front of the senses and intrinsic and differential values ​​of the pilgrimage of Les Useres. From a holistic reflexivity, it is intended to open a debate on the importance of negotiating and consulting with rural communities that have been safeguarding heritage before it was revalued, so that its contemporary uses as a territorial development resource have an impact synergistic in the territory and not inhibitory.


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Martínez Muñoz, E., & Escribano Pizarro, J. (2019). The complexity of the governance of intangible heritage in rural areas: the case of «Els Pelegrins de Les Useres (Castellón region)». Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(2), 194–214.