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  • María del Carmen Cañizares Ruiz Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Vol. 58 No. 1 (2019), Articles, pages 180-204
Submitted: Jan 15, 2018 Accepted: Jun 7, 2018 Published: Apr 9, 2019
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The historical process of industrialization has generated a significant amount of buildings, installations and infrastructure abandoned in spaces that were privileged scenarios of activities that acted as an economic engine in Spain in miners valleys, small steel cities or in rural spaces. Today some of them have been transformed into resources after the change of model of system productive that represented the step of the capitalism industrial to the capitalism postfordist or global. We look here at three case studies, with different typologies, in which these elements are emerging as an opportunity for territories that seek in the tourism an option of development low formulas that bet preferably by the culture. The methodology focuses on the literature review, field work and direct contact with these initiatives. The results left clear that the experiences of development of the industrial heritage at the service of tourism not always confirm a success infallible and define the limits on industrial tourism is not easy. In addition, the results alert on warn about the appropriateness of assessing not only the economic impact, but other intangibles to local heritage or social value.


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Cañizares Ruiz, M. del C. (2019). The limits of industrial tourism in disadvantaged areas. Singular experiences in Spain. Cuadernos Geográficos, 58(1), 180–204.