Theory and practise in the territorial planning of the urban aglomerations of Seville and Granada
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Vol. 47 (2010): 2. The state of spatial planning in Spain, Articles, pages 247-273
Submitted: Mar 16, 2013
Published: Dec 16, 2010
Nowadays, urban dynamics in most Western countries are characterized by a change in which the leading role has moved away from big compact cities to their peripheries. This process has favoured the sprouting of a diffuse city that consumes many resources and generates multitude of problems. Seville and Granada, in the Andalusian case, perfectly illustrate this quite generalized process. Urban and spatial planning try, with limited success, to restrain this tendency fed by economic interests that often are beyond control.
Compact city, Metropolitan areas, Urban-planning, Spatial-planning, Andalusia
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Ferrer Rodríguez, A., & Nieto Calmaestra, J. A. (2010). Theory and practise in the territorial planning of the urban aglomerations of Seville and Granada. Cuadernos Geográficos, 47, 247–273. Retrieved from