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  • Jaciel Montoya Arce Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Renato Salas Alfaro Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • José Antonio Soberón Mora Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Vol. 49 (2011): 2, Articles, pages 153-178
Submitted: Mar 14, 2013 Published: Dec 14, 2011
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This article analyzes the return migration in the Estado de Mexico, from the home and personal perspective. We used for this purpose, the Encuesta sobre Migracion de Mexiquenses a Estados Unidos (EMMEU, 2009), which identified how many and the types of return migrants, and the skills they bring, how to use them and the current constraints they face in deploying them in their entirety. This allowed to detect that returning migrants bring with them a new socioeconomic and family mentality manifested in their daily practices, as the greater support of their children's education and health, small business capitalization, employment shifts from rural to tertiary activities. From this, it is necessary to enhance the use of these social and productive skills by means of public support programs specific to the needs of returnees into their families and communities.


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Montoya Arce, J., Salas Alfaro, R., & Soberón Mora, J. A. (2011). Return International Migration from United States to the Estado de Mexico: Opportunities and Challenges. Cuadernos Geográficos, 49, 153–178. Retrieved from