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  • Alberto Capote Universidad de Granada
Vol. 49 (2011): 2, Articles, pages 33-54
Submitted: Mar 14, 2013 Published: Dec 14, 2011
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Analysis carried out on the residential variation statistics show that Moroccans are among the nationalities with the most intense spatial mobility. Migration itineraries often comprise several stages before crossing the border. Destinations and projects change with time. The target of this project is to analyze the geographical mobility of the resident Moroccan population in a set of Andalusian municipalities of the Granada and Cordoba provinces, putting an emphasis on their socioeconomic determinants. Using the cinematic metaphor, our purpose is to reconstruct migration itineraries integrally, as if in a road movie: from birth places to residences in Andalusia, including intermediate stages in Morocco, Spain and even a third country.


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Capote, A. (2011). Moroccan immigrants in Andalusia: Migration itineraries in different local contexts of the Granada and Cordoba provinces. Cuadernos Geográficos, 49, 33–54. Retrieved from