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  • Philippe Dautrey Centro de Investigación y de Docencia en Humanidades del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca
Vol. 50 (2012): 1, Articles, pages 169-185
Submitted: Mar 13, 2013 Published: Jul 13, 2012
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The integration of Latin America into the world trade continues to be based on the export of commodities, its traditional sector and, as a result of the more recent relocation of production facilities from the first-world, on manufacturing. All the more as the redefinition of the strategically important intellectual property rights has slowed down the process of imitation upon which the mediocre and fragmented industrial development rested. As to the recent and small-scale knowledge-based economy, it generally shows weak quantitative and institutional indexes and has yet to develop to the point where it can produce competitive advantages against idea-producing developed countries. All things considered, the narrowing of the breach with first-world economies means lessening the cognitive gap as well as the tecnology dependency and the unequal development.


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How to Cite

Dautrey, P. (2012). Latin America knowledge-based economy: Towards a noman’s land continent?. Cuadernos Geográficos, 50, 169–185. Retrieved from