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  • Salvador Beato Bergua Universidad de Oviedo
  • José Luis Marino Alfonso Departamento de Geografía (Universidad de Oviedo)
  • Miguel Ángel Poblete Piedrabuena Departamento de Geografía (Universidad de Oviedo)
Vol. 56 No. 1 (2017), Articles, pages 26-52
Submitted: Jun 10, 2016 Accepted: Nov 6, 2016 Published: May 2, 2017
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The vegetal landscape and forest habitats of Community interest are studied in two zones of the Asturian Central Mountain: the Upper Pajares and the Aramo Range. The Upper Pajares is a high mountain valley that has undergone major landscape transformations due to the disappearance of rural society model and building facilities and infrastructure such as Valgrande-Pajares ski station and Huerna motorway. The Aramo Range is a chalky alignment of medium mountain, with a strong livestock tradition. According to floristic criteria and the vegetation communities and series constitutes a biogeographic hinge between the Cantabrian Atlantic and Orocantabric subprovinces within the Atlantic European Province of the Eurosiberian Region. Both mountainous areas are characterized by rich vegetal heritage, in particular, the Aramo has 7 habitats of Community interest covering an area of ​​2,235 ha, ie more than 28% of its forest area; while the Upper Pajares Valley, barely has 3 habitats, however, reaches an extension of 1,105.49 ha, which represents more than 70% of its forest area.


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How to Cite

Beato Bergua, S., Marino Alfonso, J. L., & Poblete Piedrabuena, M. Ángel. (2017). The vegetal landscape and forest habitats of Community interest in the Asturian Central Mountain. Cuadernos Geográficos, 56(1), 26–52. Retrieved from