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  • Arsenio Villar Lama Dpto. Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional. Universidad de Sevilla.
  • Alfonso Fernández Tabales Dpto. Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional. Universidad de Sevilla.
Vol. 56 No. 1 (2017), Articles, pages 290-321
Submitted: Apr 27, 2016 Accepted: Oct 3, 2016 Published: May 2, 2017
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Seville is one of the most significant urban tourist destinations in Spain. However, this relevance is not accompanied by an equivalent scientific literature. The goal of this paper is to take advantage of hemerographic sources (press and magazines) in order to reconstruct the history of tourism in the city and analyze the evolution of its tourist areas from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. A total of 629 documents are collected in the press, including news, announcements, reports and opinion articles; which are categorized into the main elements of the tourism system: access and mobility, accommodation, demand, monumental resources and complementary offer, and tourism policy. The historical reconstruction has been synthesized in 7 major stages, describing and mapping the historical trajectory of tourism in the city. This document is an unprecedented contribution in Seville and complementary to similar studies in other urban destinations.


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Villar Lama, A., & Fernández Tabales, A. (2017). Rebuilding the history of tourism through the press: the evolution of the tourist areas of Seville (1915-2015). Cuadernos Geográficos, 56(1), 290–321. Retrieved from