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  • Yolanda Jiménez Olivencia Instituto de Desarrollo Regional. Universidad de Granada
Vol. 30 (2000), Articles, pages 347-364
Submitted: Mar 28, 2014
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This article argues that in order to identify precisely and typify landscapes it is a prerequisite to proceed to a combined analysis of both the territorys environmental bases and its socialeconomic and cultural models. Our proposed methodological sequence for Sierra Nevada fits these conditions. After identifying the areas natural structures, we then study its different socio-territorial models. The final result is a categorization of the landscape based on criteria of association and disassociation of the different systems depending on the degrees of homogeneity or heterogeneity imposed by human activity.


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Jiménez Olivencia, Y. (2014). From natural complexes to landscapes: the model of Sierra Nevada. Cuadernos Geográficos, 30, 347–364. Retrieved from