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  • Eugenio Cejudo García Departamento de Geografía Humana. Universidad de Granada
Vol. 30 (2000), Articles, pages 143-164
Submitted: Mar 28, 2014
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The sharing of the enormons budgetary deployment of the PAC toon place in a greatly unequal way between the regions and the producers of the European Union. It is certainly connected with the different regional productive specialization and the irregular support that is given to agrarian productions, in which the continetal ones prevails on the mediterranean ones. The helps that are given to this sector by the PAC must be supported, but thinking over different parameters, because thay are an essential part of the agrarian incane of the european producers.


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Cejudo García, E. (2014). Territorial unbalances of the agrarian community policy. Cuadernos Geográficos, 30, 143–164. Retrieved from