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  • Rafael Machado Santiago Dpto. Análisis Geográfico Regional y Geografía Física. Universidad de Granada
  • Ott Kurs Instituto de Geografía. Universidad de Tartu
Vol. 32 (2002), Articles, pages 125-154
Submitted: Mar 26, 2014
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The present word constitutes the second contribution of the authors to comparative study of Andalucía and Estonia as two peripheral regions in/of Europe. The paper focuses especially on the survey of territorial structures of distinct levels and forms of administration as well as spatial articulatinos of urban net and comunications of both regions.


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Machado Santiago, R., & Kurs, O. (2014). Territorial structures and articulations in Andalucía and Estoni: A comparative analysis. Cuadernos Geográficos, 32, 125–154. Retrieved from