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  • María del Carmen Cañizares Ruiz Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Vol. 34 No. 1 (2004): Turismo, ocio y cultura en las estrategias de planificación territorial, Articles, pages 129-143
Submitted: Mar 18, 2014 Published: Mar 18, 2004
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During the last years, the heritage of the mining and industrial activities has acquired a great importance within the framework of the local development. In the region of Castilla-La Mancha, the elements derived from the mining-industrialist legacy are incorporated slowly but in a progressive from, like resources into the local development of the most unfavourables territories. We analyze, like examples, some initiatives linked to specific tourist routes: the opening of an iron mine in the province of Cuenca and the putting in value of two traditional mining areas such as the regions of Almadén and the Puertollano, both of then province of Ciudad Real.


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Cañizares Ruiz, M. del C. (2004). Some of the initiatives in mining tourism in Castilla–La Mancha. Cuadernos Geográficos, 34(1), 129–143. Retrieved from