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  • Belén Gómez Martín Dep. de Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional, Universidad de Barcelona
  • Francisco López Palomeque Dep. de Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional, Universidad de Barcelona
  • Martí Cors Iglesias Dep. de Ciències de la Terra, Universitat de les Illes Balears
Vol. 34 No. 1 (2004): Turismo, ocio y cultura en las estrategias de planificación territorial, Articles, pages 95-109
Submitted: Mar 18, 2014 Published: Mar 18, 2004
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In this paper what is presented, as a case study, is the experience of a work about tourism strategic planning: «Strategic Study and Report of the Urban and Territorial Tourism», which constitutes one part of the Dynamization Plan of High Speed of Lleida. It is explained the metodology used for the elaboration of the «Strategic Study and Report» (we have been opted for the strategic planning); what is summarized is the basic contents of the strategic diagnosis and the actions plan; the final reflections of the study are described; and, finally, it is concluded with a short characterization of the elaborated documents, compared with the strategic plans of the cities and regions of Spain, and with some reflections about the situation of the Plan and the Study one year after of the editing


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Gómez Martín, B., López Palomeque, F., & Cors Iglesias, M. (2004). Tourism Strategic planning: analysis of the Strategic Urban and Spatial Report of Lleida. Cuadernos Geográficos, 34(1), 95–109. Retrieved from