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  • Daniel Morata Toledo Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Humanidades. Universidad de Almería
  • Fernando Fernández Gutiérrez Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Humanidades. Universidad de Almería
Vol. 52 No. 2 (2013), Articles, pages 76-98
Submitted: Jan 10, 2014 Published: Dec 20, 2013
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Over the last years, the three main political parties have been alluding to the problems caused by acoustic impacts and different noise discomforts suffered by many people in the urban areas of Andalusia. This circumstance, partly explained by an increasing social awareness regarding this issue, has led to a series of demonstrations and political reactions, expressed both in written and oral means, in public and private events.

Most of the time, these have been collected and diffused through the electoral programs, not only as a mere political commitment but also as a way of external analysis of the political-institutional involvement level in the problem. They can also be understood as a suitable means for tracking interesting variables as the fulfillment degree of the measures which are included in the expected programs, their effectiveness or their results. On this basis, we have decided to carry out a research study of most recent municipal elections in Andalusia (2011) to analyze the behaviour and the alternatives that the main political parties offer Andalusian local citizens and the different social agents that converge at the Andalusian city area.


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How to Cite

Morata Toledo, D., & Fernández Gutiérrez, F. (2013). Urban noise in cities of Andalusia and its consideration through the political parties’ election programs. Cuadernos Geográficos, 52(2), 76–98. Retrieved from