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  • Gerardo Francisco Ubilla Bravo Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago
Vol. 53 No. 1 (2014), Articles, pages 122-159
Submitted: Jan 9, 2014 Accepted: Jun 11, 2014 Published: Jun 24, 2014
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In Chile, the topic of gender has been conceptually dealt with from the academy by the social sciences (as in the case of PNUD) and by the State through public policies action measures driven from the nineties. From a gender territorial analysis perspective, there has been a scarce knowledge development concerning the diversity of variables behavior in counties and regions (SUBDERE, 2012). This way, the current investigation shows results on the gender gaps dynamic in the counties belonging to the Santiago Metropolitan Region (SMR), considering variables of a social, economic, localization, and governability type, accounting for current territorial disparities as well as the relationship held among them. In relation to the findings, it is observed that only one out of the ten variables analyzed has a female predominance, schooling constitutes the lowest in terms of inequity and the spatial patterns are strongly determined by the population income and status.


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Ubilla Bravo, G. F. (2014). Regional gender gaps in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. Cuadernos Geográficos, 53(1), 122–159. Retrieved from