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  • Joaquín Bosque Sendra
  • M. Gómez Delgado
  • F. Palm Rojas
Vol. 39 (2006): 2. Technologies of the Geographic Information, Articles, pages 53-68
Submitted: Dec 12, 2013 Published: Dec 12, 2006
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Location of obnoxious facilities is a complex task in which several objectives must be taken into account. The most usual objective is the spatial efficiency, usually measured as the distance between facilities and population, looking for moving these facilities away the inhabited regions. However, taking into account this idea solely may generate poor results from other points of view. For instance, the potential users must carry out the residuals to the facilities. This work shows a new location-allocation model that includes two criteria to measure the spatial efficiency of the selected locations.


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Bosque Sendra, J., Gómez Delgado, M., & Palm Rojas, F. (2006). A new model to locate non-desirable facilities: Advantages derived from integrating location-allocation models and GIS. Cuadernos Geográficos, 39, 53–68. Retrieved from