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Vol. 15 (2022), Articles, pages 95-141
Submitted: Feb 13, 2023 Accepted: May 10, 2024 Published: Jun 12, 2024


Since the beginning of the zionist colonisation project in Palestine, and even since the creation of the Israeli State, there has been a dissident group of the zionism that has been rebellious to its main political ideas respecting Palestine and the palestinians. They are a minority sector of the israeli society, yet qualitatively significant, that has been normally unseen. In this sense, we’re focusing on the study of the critical groups and somehow dissident of the zionism that constitute, on the one hand the so-called israelí “peace field” and on the other hand the anti zionist minority.

In this way, we set out the following questions: Can we say there was some kind of significant peace movement in the decades that were immediately subsequent to the formation of the Israeli State and to the first Arab-Israeli War? When would that movement really come into focus? Can we talk about an homogeneous sector respecting the way they work and their objectives? To what extent those groups and activists manage to put pressure on the israeli political class?

In order to answer these questions this paper sets out an descriptive historical analysis of the history of the israeli pacifist groups emphasising the more determined in their defense of the palestinian self-determination, the search of non-violent solutions along with the palestinian society and, from 1967, the radical opposition to the occupation and colonisation of Jerusalem, Gaza and West Bank.


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