Post-conflict interfaith activities, combatting religious extremism and mass atrocity in Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka, terrorism, interfaith, post-conflict, Muslims, extremismResumen
This study is based on the case of Sri Lanka’s conflict history, situated with regard to the 2019 Easter bombings. Religious identity has become more salient in Sri Lankan society and this is seen in more religious extremist activity and interfaith activities, including among actors and groups who traditionally avoided such initiatives. Based on narrative analysis of interviews with representatives from the country’s four major religions discussing interfaith activities, communal relations and religious extremism, this paper highlights how legacies from the war have exacerbated long-lasting divisions and mistrust between the country’s ethno-religious groups, even if they were not the original conflict actors. Following civil conflict based on ethno-religious divisions, local-level interfaith peacebuilding activities have limited impact as they do not reach extremists and mostly engage people already committed to non-violent social change. Since the end of the civil war in 2009, faith groups and other civil society actors have expressed reservations about inter-communal relations and the potential for further violence. These fears were realised with the devastating bombings in 2019.
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