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  • Alberto Díaz-Montiel Universidad de Granada
No. 2 (2018), Articles, pages 101-127
Submitted: Jul 26, 2018 Published: Jul 26, 2018


This article analyzes the origins and configuration of the Candidatura de Unidad Popular (CUP) as a political party from the moment in which this party decides to overcome the municipal level

The CUP is a radical leftist separatist party that in recent years has taken on special relevance in politics in Catalonia as one of the main leaders of the sovereignty process that is lived in this community. Moreover, governability in Catalonia has been depending on this party

For this purpose, and through the model developed by Panebianco (2009), in this article we will analyze the previous political parties, its structure and organization, as well as the reasons that explain its expansion during the last years.


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