Uses, challenges and prospects of Artificial Intelligence for the Army




Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Strategy, Deterrence, Defense, War, Warfare, Conflict, NATO, Army, Cyber, Cyberdefense, Cyberspace, Technology, Cognitive Domain, Space, Robots, Autonomy, Autonomous Weapons, Autonomous Vehicles, Command and Control, Multidomain


Artificial intelligence has recently become the object of multiple speculations, more or less founded, and is surrounded by a halo of fear and mystery based upon the vision that sci-fi artwork either literary or film has projected on this technology sustained by computing and big data.

This article tries to show the advantages of artificial intelligence for the Army and the challenges that the latter needs to tackle to achieve its use according to the laws and customs of war, understanding war as an undesirable but real phenomena, as present and history well prove.

Departing from a fictional situation to frame the future operating environment, NATO and Spain’s strategies for the integration of artificial intelligence in military operations are described, as well as prioritized specific applications of this technology in defense industry.

Finally, the ethical challenges posed by artificial intelligence are presented, recognizing that the rule of law will have to establish its boundaries, as it usually does for all human activity sphere. Ethical and responsible use and respect for the International Humanitarian Law has always been the Spanish Army’s foundation and standard of conduct.

Author Biography

Miguel Manuel Pareja Pérez, MADOC Granada

Coronel de Infantería DEM, Dirección de Investigación, Doctrina, Orgánica y Materiales, Mando de Adiestramiento y Doctrina, Granada


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