Protection of the rule of law in the European Union through financial conditionality


  • Manuel López Escudero Universidad de Granada



European Union, Rule of law, Conditionality, EU Budget, Financial conditionality, Regulation 2020/2092


The rule of law is one of the fundamental values ​​of the European Union. The proliferation of “illiberal” governments has multiplied the violations of this value and the limitations of the EU's right to protect it have been revealed. For this reason, an additional procedure has been created to safeguard the rule of law value, which uses the mechanism of financial conditionality, through Regulation 2020/2092. Poland and Hungary have attacked this Regulation with their respective appeals for annulment and the CJEU has confirmed its compatibility with primary law, clearing the way for its application by the Commission and the Council.

Author Biography

Manuel López Escudero, Universidad de Granada

Catedrático de Derecho Internacional Público y de Derecho de la UE de la Universidad de Granada y Letrado del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea.


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