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  • Laila Mohamed Mohand Universidad de Granada
  • Lucía Herrera Torres Universidad de Granada
  • Sandra Carracedo Cortiñas Investigador del Grupo PS1 de la Universidad de Vigo
No. 5 (2014), Articles, pages 223-236
Submitted: Feb 9, 2018 Accepted: Feb 9, 2018 Published: Mar 1, 2014
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Recent studies, such as that of Rodríguez-Franc, Antuña, Lopez-Cepero, Rodríguez-Díaz and Bringas (2012), turn attention to a new typology of partner violence which is becoming more and more frequent and which is that of adolescent couples. The present work aims to develop a descriptive study of the frequency of occurrence of certain behaviour and attitudes of partner violence in university students and how they relate to their psychological well-being. Besides, we analyse if differences exist between different cultural groups. To carry out this study, young university students have taken part, specifically from the University of Granada in Melilla. This city being defined in part by the fact that there are people living together from different cultures. The tool used to collect information was an adaptation of the Questionnaire of Partner Violence (CUVINO), designed by Rodríguez-Franc, Antuña, Rodríguez-Díaz, Blacksmith and Snow (2007), and the Scale of Psychological Well-being of Sanchez-Cánovas (2007). The need to implement preventive measures of partner violence and of violent behaviour to anticipate possible later cases of domestic violence is discussed.


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Mohamed Mohand, L., Herrera Torres, L., & Carracedo Cortiñas, S. (2014). Partner violence in young university students of different cultural origin. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (5), 223–236.