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  • María Jesús Vitón de Antonio Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Daniela Gonçalves Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti
No. 11 (2017), Articles, pages 25-46
Submitted: Jan 29, 2018 Accepted: Jan 29, 2018 Published: Mar 7, 2017
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Taking into account an educational context of increasing complexity, we consider nuclear to strengthen a pedagogy critical-reflexivity posture, to generate a line of transformative action in the training process. Process, that subjected to organizational frameworks have in their own goals the way to influence in making a coherent relationship between the construction of democratizing knowledge and its dialogical-transformative effect of socio-educative nature. This effect goes through an inevitably personal transformation, and in link with the professional and socio-labor reality, gives sense to a reflection in order to provide sense to a committed action with the efforts of change of the educative quality advance. For us, understood as deepening to the comprehensive recognition of knowledge and experiences (Viton, Benito Muñoz, 2014), with which situate the relevance of educational accompaniments of subjects and processes, with significant mediations. This is about sharing and promote the professional and personal (re)construction from the reflection on their practice, giving meaning(s) and guidance to improve the quality, involved in equity.

They are in these linkages in permanent construction, in which we make sense to develop an analytical exercise of which occurred experience where the key focus for personal improvement and professional educator. This is to address the real dynamics and re-significate their located learning, to finalize the development of metacognitive skills and acquire an "habitus" in relation to the role of critic "supervisor" of his own action (Vitón y Gonçalves, 2015).

From this approach, we try to bring a list of key points contrasted in the work with teachers training’s groups, to distill from his thoughtful analysis a set of conclusions and advances in the line of an inquirer work about the contribution of reflexivity as part for democratization of critical knowledge and quality education.


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Vitón de Antonio, M. J., & Gonçalves, D. (2017). Located Learning and Democratic Development in institutional cultures. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (11), 25–46.