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  • David de la Cruz IIIA - CSIC
  • Jordi Estévez UAB
  • Pablo Noriega IIIA - CSIC
  • Manuela Pérez IMF - CSIC
  • Raquel Piqué UAB
  • Jordi Sabater-Mir IIIA - CSIC
  • Asunción Vila IMF -CSIC
  • Daniel Villatoro IIIA - CSIC
Vol. 20 (2010), Monograph, pages 149-161
Submitted: Dec 27, 2012 Published: Dec 27, 2012
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The use of agent-directed simulation in archaeology has a relatively long tradition. However, these simulations have been always oriented mainly to study spatial processes and resource management and systematically ignore an essential aspect of any society: the use of social and institutional norms as a mechanism to regulate the behaviour of the individuals. In this paper we propose a norm-centric simulation (in contrast to the traditional resource-centric simulation) where the normative system is both the core of the simulation and the subject of study. Ourfinal goal is to set the foundations of a rather general model of social behaviour in a hunter-fisher-gatherer (HFG) society without political institutions but with strict social norms.


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de la Cruz, D., Estévez, J., Noriega, P., Pérez, M., Piqué, R., Sabater-Mir, J., Vila, A., & Villatoro, D. (2012). NORMS IN HUNTER-FISHER-GATHERER SOCIETIES. GROUNDS FOR AGENT-BASED SOCIAL SIMULATION. Cuadernos De Prehistoria Y Arqueología De La Universidad De Granada, 20, 149–161.