Author Guidelines
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada is an annual journal of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the University of Granada. Only original texts that have not been published nor are in the process of being published by other journals will be accepted. The journal will use an anonymous peer-reviewed system of external evaluation for the manuscripts that are presented for their publication.
Publication languages: accepted languages
The journal will publish its contents in one of the following languages:
- Spanish
- English
- Only in special cases of scientific relevance, the Editorial Staff may accept papers in other languages (mainly German, Catalan, French, Galician, Italian and Portuguese)
Formatting requirements for the preparation of manuscripts
On the first page of papers and documents title will appear in uppercase followed by its translation to English, French or Spanish. Under the title the name/s of the author/s will be placed, followed by an asterisk that will remit to a footnote in which the complete direction of the institution or personal address of the author will appear, as well as any associated e-mail and the ORCID of the author/s that sign the manuscript.
Hereafter, an abstract in Spanish and in French or English with an extension of 100-500 words must be included, followed by some keywords (maximum 8). In the case of recensions, the first page must include the bibliographic information regarding the publication at hand. At the end of the text the name and direction of the author of the recension must be included.
The organization of sections and subsections of the text must adhere to the following conventions:
SECTIONS: in uppercase, bold, and left-aligned text.
Subsections: in lowercase, bold and left-aligned text.
Secondary subsections: in lowercase, cursive and left-aligned text.
Numerous and long footnotes must be avoided.
If it is necessary to include a section for acknowledgements, it will be placed at the end of the text before the references.
The following considerations must be taken into account:
- Accents will appear on uppercase words.
- Latinisms must be written in cursive (et al., in situ…).
- Abbreviations must be written without punctuations (ONU, UNESCO).
- Any text literally transcribed must appear between quotation marks.
References will be placed in the text according to the following criteria: they will be placed between parenthesis with the surname/s in lower case. In any reference with more than two authors, et al. must be included. Following the name, the year will be indicated, separated by a comma. If the page/s are mentioned the year must be followed by a colon. If there is more than one citation, they must appear in order of publication separated by comma if they belong to the same author/s, or semicolon if they are different. Examples: (Shiffer, 1987:45) (Nájera and Molina, 1977, 1979) (Arribas et al., 1983) (Nájera and Molina, 1977; Arribas et al., 1983; Schiffer, 1987:45).
Citations must appear listed at the end of the text with hanging indent and in alphabetic order using the following rules: surname/s of the author/s in uppercase separated by a comma from the initial of the author's first name and with the year of its publication between parenthesis, followed by the letters a, b, c, etc. if it applies. Afterwards, using a colon, the title will appear between quotation marks. The titles of books, monographs, proceedings or journals will be in cursive and will not be abbreviated. In publications with scientific editors, these will appear between parenthesis with their name abbreviated and their surname in lowercase after the title. Subsequently, in the case of books the editorial house will be named, followed by their location; for journals, the issue and page numbers must be indicated; and in the case of proceedings, the place and dates the congress was celebrated, as well as the location of the editorial house and the corresponding pages, must be indicated. It is mandatory to include the DOI or stable URL to any references when possible. In the case of electronic editions, the DOI and stable URL must be included. In the case of not being possible, the date in which the consultations were made must be indicated.
SCHIFFER, M. B. (1987): Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
NÁJERA, T., MOLINA, F., DE LA TORRE, F., AGUAYO, P. y SÁEZ, L. (1979): “La Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Rea1). Campaña de 1976”, Noticiario Arqueológico Hispánico 6, pp. 1950.
GONZÁLEZ, P y PICAZO, M. (2005): “Arqueología de la vida cotidiana”, Arqueolo- gía y Género (Sánchez, M., ed.), Universidad de Granada, Granada, pp. 141-158.
ARRIBAS, A. y SÁNCHEZ, J. M. (1970): “La necrópolis megalítica del pantano de los Bermejales (Arenas del Rey, Granada)”, XI CongresoNacional de Arqueología (Mérida, 1969), Zaragoza, pp. 284-291.
MOLINA, F., CÁMARA, J.A., AFONSO, J.A., y SPANEDA, L. (2019): “Análisis estadístico de las dataciones radiocarbónicas de la Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel Ciudad Real)”, Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada 29, pp. 309-351. DOI:
GARCÍA CARMONA, R. (2020): “¿Cultos betílicos en Cástulo?”, ArqueoWeb 20. Consulted: 29th of November 2021.
Figures and tables must be separated and numbered using Arabic numerals, and only in exceptional cases can plates be included at the end of the document, numbered with Roman numerals. Figures must appear in the original format with a graphic scale or indication of the geographic North in the case of maps or plans. Plates must have the highest quality possible and will be delivered in digital format. No illustrations will be placed within the text and must be delivered separately. Footnotes, tables and plates will be included in a separate document with the complete data for correct identification. Taking into account the paper edition that the journal publishes all figures in black and white, authors must use symbols and colours that can easily be identified in grey scale. The digital edition publishes all illustrations in colour.
Types, structure and extension of the manuscript
Papers in the “Monographic” section
These must be the result of original research, whose results and conclusions lead to an advancement in the discipline or specific matter of the monograph. The maximum extension of the text, save some justified exceptions, will be 12.000 words, and the content of the manuscript must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Introduction: the subject of investigation must be presented (the What?) justifying the research and its scope of the research from the point of view of its solution to certain problems, its contribution to the advancement of knowledge (the Why?), and must also clearly present the objectives and aim of the research (the For what?). Furthermore, this section must succinctly present the state of the question at hand. Therefore the following questions must be answered: What has been previously done? What has already been researched in this field? How has it been done? What results have been reached? It must be redacted in a way that answers any doubts regarding the novelty and originality of the matter, indicating any previous studies, clearly indicating the theoretical categorization of the problem.
- Results: the content of this section must answer the following question: What have we found? It is important to identify and describe the findings in a concise and intelligible way. Therefore, when possible, tables, graphs or diagrams which present the data “at a glance” must be used.
- Methodology: This section must answer the question: how have we carried out our research? This implies the detailed description of the materials, criteria and processes used during our research. The objective of this section is to inform the reader of the research process that was employed so that it can be replicated or used by others.
- Discussion and conclusions: these are the sections where the results are analysed and interpreted. Through argumentation, organization, classification and comparison of the data, findings can be clarified; hypothesis can be verified or refuted; consequences can be deduced; problems can be resolved; or new interpretative paths can be presented. In other words, this section must answer the following questions: What is the significance of what has been found? How does the data relate to other findings? How can the data be included into what is already known? What applications does it have? What does it contribute? What does this data require for future research?
- Bibliographic references of the documents used for carrying out the study.
Papers in the “Archaeological Document” section
These manuscripts must be the result of specific study regarding certain empirical or theoretical problems where the data must be complied, analysed and discussed. Its objective is to present new data and/or opens new lines of debate.
This type of paper must take into consideration all essential publications pertaining to the matter or those that should have taken the matter into account.
Its maximum extension, with the exception of some justified cases, will be 8000 words, and will be organized according to the aforementioned structure.
Recensions and scientific chronicles
These types of texts briefly describe and analyse either a recent publication that is of interest for the discipline, or a scientific meeting of high impact.
The maximum extension will be 2000 words and will adhere to the following structure:
- Bibliographic data: name and surname of the author, title of the publication, the city where it was edited, name of the editorial house, date of the edition, number of pages and ISBN.
- Expositive summary: where the main theme, content, style, structure and ideas of the text are presented.
- Critical commentary: consisting of a well-argued evaluation of the text both at an internal and contextual level. In other words, on one hand an internal analysis of the information described in the expositive summary; and on the other a contextual analysis regarding the importance and novelty of the publication with regards to other books or research.
Submission, editorial process and referee system
Submission methods and addresses
The submission of manuscripts will be done through the online OJS system (Open Journal System). Texts must be sent through Registry, where the authors must register as users and follow the instructions that are presented. For any queries during the process, please contact
Only in exceptional cases will texts be accepted through email, when, due to external causes, submission through OJS has not been possible. In this case, manuscripts will be sent to
In the case of presenting physical versions of the manuscript on paper, two copies following the aforementioned formatting requirements, together with any correspondent digital files must be sent.
The following file formats for the manuscripts will be accepted:
- DOC format if using text processor MS Word.
- RTF format if using any other text processor.
Figures, tables and plates will be presented separate from the text. A CD-Rom with all the digital files must be sent to the following address:
Secretaría de la revista Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Campus Cartuja s/n
18170 Granada
Declaration of originality and transfer of rights
In order for a manuscript to be considered for publication in the journal Cuadernos de Prehisotria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada, the authors must complete and sign the document regarding the declaration of originality and transfer of rights which can be found on the Journal's website.
Stages of the editorial process
All original texts that are to be published will be subject to an editorial process that takes place throughout different stages until its final publication.
1. Reception and acknowledgement of receipt
An e-mail will be sent to the author as an acknowledgement of receipt.
2. Preliminary Evaluation
The manuscript will be subject to a preliminary evaluation carried out by the Advisory Board, who will check requirements for publication are met and if the content of the text is related to the subjects of Cuadernos de Prehisotria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada.
3. Review by pairs: the double-blind review system
Once the formal and thematic publication requirements have been met, the text will be sent to two referees who, in accordance with the Guide for Reviewers, will emit an Evaluation Form.
4. Communication of the results
The results of the evaluation will be immediately communicated to the author, and will be undisputable. Furthermore, any modifications that must be made for the final version of the paper will also be communicated to the author/s.
5. Preparation of proofs
Based on the final version, proofs of the manuscript will be made and sent to the author for one final evaluation
6. Final publication
If the author makes no changes of the proof, the journal will proceed with the publication of the manuscript on paper and on the journal’s website.
The authors will be notified regarding the stage in which the manuscript is through notifications and e-mails generated by the OJS system throughout the entire process.
Criteria for the acceptance of papers
The factors that will be taken into account for the acceptance-rejection of submitted papers on behalf of the Editors of the Journal are as follows:
1. Originality, novelty and relevance of the research will be evaluated altogether. In other words, an original or novel point of view is not a sufficient enough condition for communicating the research that has been carried out; furthermore, results must be interesting for the discipline.
2. Significance of the study for advancing scientific, social or cultural knowledge.
3. Reliability and scientific validity of the references used and the methods employed for research.
4. Correct drafting, logical organization and material presentation of the manuscript.
Information regarding the referee system
Submitted papers will be sent to be reviewed by at least two external referees at the same or superior level as the author. In the case of a discrepancy between results, the text will be sent to a third referee who will make the final decision regarding the publication.
We will take into consideration that the reviewers do not belong to the same university as the author nor have they been the director of their thesis.
The journal uses the double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.
The reviewers, in accordance with the guidelines specified in the Guide for Reviewers, will fill-in and emit an Evaluation Form.
The selection of the reviewers is carried out by the Editorial Board of the Journal, who will take into account the academic and scientific merits as well as professional experience of the reviewers, including both national and international specialists. Members of the Advisory Board may be reviewers.
Additional information can be found on the Journal's web page.
Exchange, subscription and sales
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada can be exchanged with other journals pertaining Prehistory, Archaeology, Ethnography or other related areas. Requests for exchange must by sent to the following direction:
Secretaría de la revista Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Campus Cartuja s/n
18170 Granada.
Requests for subscription or sales must be sent to the Publishing House of the University of Granada